029 | Thoughts that Prevent You From Achieving Your Goals

What thought goes through your head when you see your reflection in the mirror? What does your self-talk sound like? 

For a lot of us, our self-talks is… not that great. In fact, for a lot of us, the thoughts that we have about ourselves are things that we would never say to a friend, loved one, or a child. 

So why do we talk to ourselves this way?

While I’m not in a position to answer the question around why we do this, what I can do is talk through several cognitive distortions that can prevent us from achieving our goals. Cognitive distortions are negative or inaccurate thought patterns.

The list that I reference in this episode include:

  1. All-or-nothing thinking
  2. Over-generalization
  3. Negative mental filter
  4. Discounting the positives
  5. Jumping to conclusions, either through mind-reading or fortune-telling
  6. Magnification or minimization
  7. Emotional reasoning
  8. Musts, shoulds, oughts, and have-tos
  9. Labeling
  10. Personalization
  11. Blame

In this conversation, I share more information about my current goals and what some of these cognitive distortions look like in the context of my goals, outlining the flawed thought patterns. My hope is that this conversation helps you identify your own cognitive distortions so that you can improve your self-talk and stop getting in the way of achieving your goals. 

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What is your biggest takeaway from this conversation? Do any of these cognitive distortions really hit home for you or keep you from achieving your goals?  I want to hear from  you! Connect with me:

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