031 | How to Succeed with New Year’s Resolutions

I’m going to tell you a not-so-well-kept secret: I’m not a big fan of New Year’s resolutions, or even New Year’s Day as a holiday.

But my feelings are besides the point. For many people, New Year’s resolutions are their commitment to focus on a goal that they want to achieve.

In this episode, I go over a couple of reasons why I’m not a huge fan of New Year’s resolutions, and I also give you a couple of strategies for how to be successful with your New Year’s resolutions, if this is something that you’re interested in doing.

The added bonus is that these strategies can be applied any time of the year. Because any new day is a great day to get started on working toward your goals.

Two Strategies for New Year’s Resolution Success

Outcome-based resolutions:

  1. Determine your goal.
  2. Identify what your life will look like a year from now if you achieve your goal.
  3. Identify what changes you’ll need to make to achieve your goal.
  4. Rank those changes in order of easiest to hardest.
  5. Prepare to kick off the new year with the easiest change. 

Habit-based resolutions:

  1. Decide on your goal. This can still be an outcomes-based goal with a habit-based approach.
  2. Once you know your goal, figure out what habits and behaviors you’ll need to adopt to achieve that goal.
  3. Of those habits and behaviors, identify the one that most directly relates to the goal you’re wanting to achieve.
  4. Break that behavior into smaller habits, and rank them from easiest to hardest.
  5. Prep whatever you may need to prep to start practicing the first habit.

These steps are very similar in nature. The difference is really to ultimate focus: the outcome or the process. Outcome based goals are great, but I’m a much bigger fan of habit- or process-based goals because that’s how you’ll achieve the sustainability that allows you to break free from toxic diet culture.

I wrap up this episode with talking about keeping it simple and picking a single habit you want to practice as your New Year’s resolution. So if you’re overwhelmed with the idea of setting a bigger goal and breaking down the steps to achieve it, then selecting a single habit to implement as your resolution might be the best choice for you!

Join the conversation!

What is your biggest takeaway from this conversation? What are your thoughts on New Year’s resolutions? Do you plan on setting resolutions?  I want to hear from  you! Connect with me:

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